"I'm so happy! I had twice spaghetti bolo Sodhexo to motherhood! That happiness "
(article a bit long, I know ...)
The stay in the maternity is something very important at a time obviously pivotal. With hindsight, I think a little more power to describe my feelings, what I liked and disliked.
two deliveries, so in two maternity different
- 1st confinement in the Paris region: Public Hospital.
In the hospital rather famous already, think to register just the pregnancy test turned positive.
Then, every month, I had to go there to see nurses (urinalysis, weight, etc.) and make me listen by the gynecologist. So many say "Do not choose his doctor: we assigned a gynecologist at the outset, and consultation is super fast (after a long wait, of course ... which gives us the opportunity to observe the size of belly of each speaker that ever-so-)
No time or equipment to do ultrasounds every time. It is content to stream monitoring the baby's heart. Only the 3 ultrasounds mandatory are prescribed, we can do to the doctor of his choice.
At the exit of the consultation, it is quite practical: the analytical laboratory is inside the hospital. It is very easy to follow up on blood tests to be done.
If small concern during pregnancy, hop! we went to the hospital, our record is already there so it is supported easily.
The preparation for childbirth are also available on the premises, by midwives at the hospital. They make us also visit the places, rooms, bathrooms, crooked ... Huh, gloups, work. (Yeah it's pretty impressive)
Childbirth: personally it happened at night, a hot summer evening ... I found the atmosphere quite Zen, I felt "good" (as far as is possible in all cases). The lights were dimmed, I was alone with Jean-Chou during labor and a midwife (I had never seen before of course) took care of everything: regular monitoring during labor, delivery, and everything after (issuance, sutures, etc.). A gynecologist comes only if the birth is complicated.
which I expected to see land quite a lot of people, I was pleasantly surprised.
In this hospital, I was immediately put my baby on the breast skin to the skin and begin feeding. The pediatrician (or the nurse, I can not remember) made all the controls on my newborn in my eyes, right next to me.
While the midwife took care of the rest of my birth, I could, with Jean-Chou, attend our daughter's first steps (the famous habit of putting one foot before the other, then they lose !), weighing, first tears, etc. ... I loved being able to enjoy it within seconds.
During the stay, my daughter has never been kidnapped minute, I always kept near me for her care, and happily.
Where things get complicated, now is the arrival in the room: After an overnight delivery (= white night), we settle in a double room. Of course, the only room I had requested was not available ... quite a few women had obviously decided to give birth at the same time as me.
My daughter is installed against me in bed with wheels. At the same time given the size of the room, we could not separate us too.
The other mom was, say, 1 meter from me. Upon waking up (well if you can call it's a wake-up) began talking about was a little bit. Luckily, she was very nice, we were a bit the same style (not very remote, for example). Matters in these moments. Yes, yes.
John Chou returned later in the morning, after trying to get some sleep at home. The day has been marked by care, the transition nurses, nursery nurses. Both dads were there with their wives always half naked, her breasts to the air mesh pants apparent. They laugh a little bit of modesty in such moments, especially when one has no choice. The proximity has become
more unbearable in the evening when my neighbor is a party to make room for another: In the night, so I see a young mother landed on his mat, just out of caesarean section. Accompanied by her husband, and probably his brother or his brother.
The horror. Just installed, it should be 22h, she turns on the TV. While I was trying to sleep. And men, comfortably housed matent also show, as at home. (Shit but they have nothing else to do? Admiring the newborn for example!). Then they put the idea to try to talk to me. And when is she was born, and how Her name and my name, etc. etc..
They then decide to leave their bags which nibble. yeah, at 22.30, must be tuck some chips. And then put some on the floor in transition, for that matter.
attempt to escape them a little, I'm heading in the shared bathroom: bad idea: there is blood everywhere on the floor. I dare not take a shower, and I start to panic seriously. Call John Chou. I'll see a midwife in the corridor at night, asking me to change rooms because the girl has installed its entire Smale, I wonder if they will leave one day, and that Beirut in the shower. It just so the midwife hears me.
few hours later, I do not always sleep, it must be midnight. Another midwife arrives. And when she sees the world in my room, the TV completely (on TF1 and more), and myself melting into tears, she said: "I'll find you a room right away, we usually do mixture not perform cesarean sections and low-road "(sic)
PHEW! I think if I'd had an attack of nerves. Once in my room alone, I could finally start to breathe, and get to know my baby.
I did not feel particularly supported by staff, so that really needs especially for a first baby. I found the midwives and nursery nurses a little harsh. For help with breastfeeding, they stuck me the baby's face on the breast as if it was all natural. The nursery nurses were going hard with the babies, they manipulated them like pieces of roast beef, I do not particularly like the lack of sweetness.
Besides the incessant visits of staff during the day and ... night! Can not really feel relaxed when we know that good-woman can suddenly emerge from one minute to another (without knocking) to come and we drop the pants.
Oh, and food, too. Under these conditions have a baby blues is just normal, actually.
So of course, everything was top medically, and that is what most, but I was glad to go home, really.
- 2nd delivery on the Cote d'Azur: Private Clinic.
During labor before giving birth, I was alone in my room. The midwife 25 years ago, who "started" deliveries me she said, dragging a little when I told him that I really hurt. She said "we have time, we have time." She left me alone to go take my shower, and I find it crazy when I think about it. The pain was so strong that I'm almost back on my bed, crawling, wet feet coming out of my attempt to shower, all alone in the dark.
sooner has she returned John Chou at home that I can recall one hour later (he had fallen asleep), "come back darling, it eventually becomes clear, I give birth soon, very soon trèèèèèès. No, you do not have time to take a shower in 3 quarters of an hour we should have our son in his arms, apparently. The midwife just graduated I still asked him not to "take blow "to give birth before the OB arrives. Reassuring!
Yes, a second birth ... it's much, much faster (and painful) .
is a gynecologist in private, that I chose, which followed me throughout my pregnancy in his cabinet. (With a long ultrasound every month!) Is HE who came to the hospital emergency m'accoucher.
It was he who followed me for 3 days at the hospital. I developed a strong relationship with him, obviously. I was moved then to leave him, after these nine months.
Well, I gave birth, facing the sea, at night. It happens that I do not particularly benefited of sight, but just the thought of knowing that they are facing the sea is fun. MY
Gynecology love, who know me, who knew John Chou, took care of me, and that's great. It changes a lot.
After birth, I could not really enjoy the skin to skin. On several occasions, I took my baby a few minutes to make his care. I was alone in the delivery room, legs still numbed by the epidural, and I found myself on several occasions, quite distraught.
Once in my room (yes, twice, again), I came across a girl very nice. And super nice shape. You know, the kind of girl who takes 6 kg in total, and has concrete abs 2 hours after giving birth? Ben was one. It is believed a legend, but if it exists. It irritates. But as she told me she had not had time to go to the hospital and that she was pregnant with her second on the sofa (damn, the sofa), with her 3 year old daughter next door, and her husband as a midwife .... I did not envy non-plus, the unhappy.
Stay, then, was a delight. I was scared of not having my daughter with me during these three days, but finally, compared to ryhtme pretty crazy day with a child, I thought it was almost relaxing (if).
I got spoiled, I quickly installed in a single room overlooking the sea I did wake up to the sunrise over the horizon. I even had time to daydream.
The food was quite correct. Midwives and nursery nurses were in pampering, attentive to my questions, my grandchildren worries. I was asked to take my son to rest in the nursery (I refused, it will not be accepted? You still want me to take?)
I even had to pass Blouses Roses, Association providing support Inpatient.
Well, like the first time, I have not loved the incessant visits 24/24 (at 4 o'clock in the morning: "We are bonsoââââr team nuiiiiiiiit! If there is anything you can call us well sûûûûûr "!).
But overall I enjoyed. And then introduce my son to my family, with panoramic window overlooking the beaches and tourists jersey, it's relaxing, anyway.
And then it can cry a little less time. A baby blues Express, not bad!
~ ~ ~ ~
And you? What are your comments, positive and negative, about your stay at the maternity ward? The service? listening? contact with staff? I'm sure you have many things to share about your experience, right? I'm curious!
Go to laugh a little: see "delivery" of Dieudonné ... everything is explained very well!
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