Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hit And Run Simpsons Playonline

Young parents, RATP love you! (However, under certain conditions)

I relayed this magnifiiiiiiiique advertising campaign of the RATP, found on the blog Mommy Works (and many other blogs)

My God.

This campaign, in my opinion, is ludicrous, hateful, contemptuous and unnecessary.

- Grotesque:
A mom who can easily fold the stroller with one hand, carrying her baby 9 kg on the other hand, but her purse, her computer, her shopping bag ... Well, it does exist, yes: but in the sci-fi only.
Bravo to the designer of the pub, which seems to have really researched before what is, being a parent.

- Odious:
What I see as a message for me, it's just completely legitimate gripe remarks, rudeness against young parents bulky. The grumpy
who cons the entire earth will, as RATP think like that, officially bitching against these monstrous parents. Define categories of users, and up against each other, this is a fine public service mission that Transports Parisiens into place. Bravo for the encouragement of serenity.

- contemptuously hypocritical
phrases that start with "foo j'adoooore BUT ...", introductions are often not very nice remarks.
Basically, what stands out is: "families, you are not welcome in Paris. In the future, stay home."
Well, we knew already having children in Paris, it was not obvious ... At least there, the message is clear.

- Useless:
Young parents who board a bus generally do not like by gaiety of heart, or for the pleasure of going to annoy others, but rather because they have ... no choice.
I do not see how this campaign will create more space in the bus.
my knowledge, strollers already have no access to the subway, until proven otherwise it does not really frees up space in trains, right? (Hmmmm, I love the resorts where you have to take a flight of 100 steps to reach an escalator)

I look forward to future postings:

"It was beautiful adoooooorer seniors, thank you kindly Magner you a little ass to get on the bus" or

"It was beautiful adooooooooooooorer obese, more than two thank you to retract the stomach."

Wanting fight against certain abuses, I will. Fighting against the incivility of some "bad mothers" who do nothing but annoy people wanting to transport their children foolishly, why not.
But why not appeal to civic IN BOTH DIRECTIONS? This is called
SOLIDARITY. And moms with strollers are well placed to know that he is missing a lot, in transport. RATP

Bravo! You will save a great atmosphere in the bus!

(read the article Mediapart example)


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