It Two cases FICP registration.
You are late in repaying a loan
You entered a debt commission
You are registered if it is a payment incident characterized, that is to say if
You overdue corresponding to the amount of two deadlines a refundable credit for monthly
Your late payment exceeds 60 days, for a refundable credit deadlines other than monthly
You still need at least EUR 500 after 60 days notice for credit without staggered maturities (overdraft, for example)
A credit institution started legal proceedings against you or pronounce the "event of default, which means that you must repay your loan immediately in its entirety.
In all these cases, the institution must notify you. You then have one month to
Regularize. If you do not within that period, he will ask the Bank of France to sign up FICP . The registration period is now 5 years .
In this case, how to get out of FICP?
You must have repaid the arrears,
In case of acceleration, you have repaid all amounts you owe.
The credit institution will ask the Bank of France deleting your registration FICP .
You entered a debt commission
You are logged in FICP by the commission upon the posting of your file and indebtedness throughout its treatment.
For the duration of conventional plan of reorganization (within 10 years) when you have such a plan,
For the duration of the restoration measures ( within 10 years) when the commission recommended and the judge agreed to such measures,
For the moratorium period (within two years) if the Commission recommended and the judge accepted a moratorium of your debts,
For a period of ten years when the commission recommended and the judge accepted a partial erasure of your debts
For a period of eight years when you've been a personal recovery proceedings or a bankruptcy in the civil departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle.
In this case, how to get out of FICP?
You must first pay all amounts you owe to your creditors. These you establish proof of payment that you will give Bank of France . This will remove then your registration FICP . When clearing your debts by a judge to remain enrolled FICP .
FICP Registration to alert credit institutions on the risk that may represent the granting you credit. It forbids you not, in principle, to receive a credit .
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