Monday, September 22, 2008

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out of Central Cheque (FCC)? You are logged in

You can request the e EBV ban bank

or exit Central Register of checks e s soon as you come clean, that is to say:

• you have paid all your outstanding checks,
• And you have paid all penalties.
Once the situation is resolved, the bank has rejected your check must send you a certificate of regularization.
You can regularize your situation during the entire time you are prohibited checkbook. It's your bank that asks the Bank of France within two days following the presentation of evidence, suppression Your registration Central Cheque.

The ban will be lifted and you do not go out of Central Cheque (FCC) and National register of Irregular Cheques (FNCI) until you have adjusted well to all your accounts.

How rectify a dishonored check?

You can do this in three ways: •
either you fund your account and ask the recipient to check his bank account,
• either you pay the beneficiary directly in cash, and you return your check, and to prove your payment, you must return the check to your bank,
• either you pay your bank the amount of the unpaid check and ask him to stop writing for a year this amount on your account pending a new presentation.
Should we pay penalties?
You normally pay a penalty to the Treasury for each dishonored check. This penalty increases with the amount outstanding. It is at least 5 euros. This penalty is doubled if 3 adjustments have already occurred within 12 months.
Penalties must be resolved in the form of stamps.
You do not pay any penalty to the Treasury:
if you set your NSF checks within two months after receiving a letter from your bank,
and if you have not delivered Other NSF within 12 months prior.
note, your bank may also charge you a fee for returned checks.


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